Tuesday, August 29, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
Father's day came earlier at the Excitables. P is going to see the newly hatched Georgia Schwarz in Townsville this weekend so I got my present early. First was this excellent canvas which P had blown up from a photo taken by Gus. Nice work Gus. Thanks very much P. I love it.

Then, on Saturday afternoon and after some early morning vomits, I was able to take the hippo out on to the pavement and get indi mobile.

Lastly, I was given a special book chock full of photos of indi. Thanks girls.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

well, it has been a tough couple of weeks and i just want to say thanks for all of your support. i am now 100% and had my first week back at my regular life.
i am crawling like a maniac. if my parents leave anything loose on the floor or table, i will get to it (fast) and try to eat it. something in biological clock tells me that everything needs to be taste tasted at the moment - apparently i am meant to grow out of that soon.
today we went to the beach and dad was ripping on his new board (which he dragged me to the central coast to buy - i was so over him that day). he does surf better than any other dad i know as well as rubbing my back really well when i am in my wooden cage, sorry, cot.
mum threw me in the air at the beach and let me crawl around lots. she takes care of me really well and even COOKED me a casserole on saturday. i had no idea what it was and i don't think she really did either, but that's what she says practical parenting magazine is for. she also gives me so much special care and was so good to have in hospital by my side. i digg her.
can't wait to catch up with you at some point. i am over the whole vomiting thing - it's safe again to throw me in the air or hang me upside down.
life's a garden - dig it.
indigo summer craig

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
I went and bought Indi a new toy this week. I thought it was good for her because she is getting very mobile and climbing on things, and trying to push things, and this little Hippo would be her own little thing to climb all over. Well, it didn't take long for Cam to attach a tie to it (at one stage it was his leggie from his surfboard) and drag her up and down our hall. I could hear giggles coming up the hall, as they approached I realised it was Cam's giggle, he thought it was fantastic, Indi was taking it very seriously, she was concentrating on holding on. After a while she got the hang of it and was flashing her fabulous smile to the camera.

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by Cam, P and Indigo

As many of you know, the Excitables have had some challenging times in recent weeks. Indi has been in hospital with a bad gastro bug.
Here we are in the wheelchair being ushered to the ward after having a drip in her arm. The wheelchair was necessary as I am now to fat to walk (like the Biggest losers)
Here she is with Mum in the hospital with a drip in her arm.
But, we got through it. P had to stay with Indi 24*7 in the hospital in a little trundle bed that was squeakier than a mouse that had run out of cheese and she was put to her endurance test for being a mother. Luckily, she passed and we gave her a little certificate and presentation, with fresh tea and cookies, old biddie style.

Here they are after the presentation!
The virus that indi contracted was called Rota's virus. Stay away from that one if you can - nasty.

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