Who likes the toy more, Indi or her Dad?
I went and bought Indi a new toy this week. I thought it was good for her because she is getting very mobile and climbing on things, and trying to push things, and this little Hippo would be her own little thing to climb all over. Well, it didn't take long for Cam to attach a tie to it (at one stage it was his leggie from his surfboard) and drag her up and down our hall. I could hear giggles coming up the hall, as they approached I realised it was Cam's giggle, he thought it was fantastic, Indi was taking it very seriously, she was concentrating on holding on. After a while she got the hang of it and was flashing her fabulous smile to the camera.

2:58 AM
Indi is looking like a much happier little girl, glad she is starting to feel better!
9:02 PM
I am sorry to hear that the little Princess has been unwell :( Hope you are all back to normal now. Sending lots of love xxx
9:36 PM
I may get abuse for this (Sorry in advance P), but in the name of humour here goes.........that Hippo reminds me of a girl Uncle Tim used to go out with. I think Cam might have tried to pull her too........
11:46 PM
Your decade long memory is really in need of some servicing. You are putting your friends in the "pulling hippos" role that was actually played by yourself.
The only thing that I have been near in the past 10 years that comes close to resembling a hippo was you in your "fat days".
That was of course before you started to trim down with your "spin" classes with the girls where you shunned the weights room for the powder room.
Always loves to stir the pot...
12:02 AM
I should have known that letting Penelope have a crack at me would embolden others. I am ready for it now. At least she had the courtesy to ask before she pressed publish.
5:17 PM
i love the new hardline approach in this blog. Modern day websites dont have this kind of real world commentary. bravo to the editors.
7:23 AM
Well well well. It seems my old mate Uncle (C)Ock has been mouthing off again. Quel shock.
My first reaction to the whale comment was: "What an awful way to talk about your sister."
My second was: "Hang on, which whale is he talking about? There were so many."
The third: "If you look at the picture, Cam is still pulling whales."
12:58 AM
Dear oh Dear Uncle Tim,
It is a Hippo not a whale.
PS Congrats Josh and Chantal and welcome to the extended family Georgia. May you be beautiful like your mum and Aunt P and not ginger like your Uncle Tim, or bald like your Uncle Cam.
8:16 AM
I stand corrected, hippo not whale. Although you don't seem so concerned with those distinctions on a Friday night.
Cam, over to you.