Excited again!

As many of you know, the Excitables have had some challenging times in recent weeks. Indi has been in hospital with a bad gastro bug.
Here we are in the wheelchair being ushered to the ward after having a drip in her arm. The wheelchair was necessary as I am now to fat to walk (like the Biggest losers)
Here she is with Mum in the hospital with a drip in her arm.
But, we got through it. P had to stay with Indi 24*7 in the hospital in a little trundle bed that was squeakier than a mouse that had run out of cheese and she was put to her endurance test for being a mother. Luckily, she passed and we gave her a little certificate and presentation, with fresh tea and cookies, old biddie style.

Here they are after the presentation!
The virus that indi contracted was called Rota's virus. Stay away from that one if you can - nasty.