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What we are Excited About - Friday March 31

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

What we are excited about:

At the top of the list this week, the first thing that we are excited about is that we have found a new place and we are moving to Balmoral. This is a picture of Indigo out of the front of the new place, getting her tummy blasted by kisses whilst we wait for breakfast. The beach is right out the front so we have upgraded our accomodations to give Indi the biggest sand pit we could afford.

The second thing has to be that Indigo has started to love The Wiggles so that is a good thing for the gang and especially for Dad as he loves to sing along. We are still amazed out how they started - they look so gay and I just can't ever see myself starting out with my friends on the same type of venture. Horses for courses I guess.

The next thing that we are excited about is that we had a good reaction to last week's video to celebrate our anniversary - here are the stats:
> Views: 355 people have seen the video and counting
> Tears: 4 people have reported crying.
> Syndications: 1. It was picked up by a marketing blog in the US because I gave a free promo to Wrigley's Extra chewing gum. Here we are on our way to dinner to celebrate Anniversary IV.

Lastly, we are excited about is that you are leaving comments. It is great to get comments. Indi wants to give a thumbs up to all you commenters!

What we are not excited about:
> Indi has learned to squeal. Crikey. What do they put into these kids when they are getting built. She has just switched on the ability overnight.
> Death and Taxes. No-one has budged on making these things any less certain in my whole life time.
> Parking Fines. More things for P to fight the council on.

Have a great weekend.

Indigo The Eater

Monday, March 27, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Unlike her Mother, Indigo has so far proven not to have the "custard tart" gene (this is passed down from her Grandpa, the undeniable preference for sweet food over savory). Indigo has started to dabble in solids and so far immensely enjoys bland rice cereal. She is not so fond of the sweeter apple mush. Lets hope little Indi doesn't have to go through "the recorder photo" stage like her Mum!!

We are yet to buy a high chair, so Indi sits in her bath lounge on our kitchen bench!

What we are excited about!

Friday, March 24, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

There is just one thing that we are excited about this week.

Our Four Year Wedding Anniversary!!!.

That's right folks, on the 23rd of March in 2002 we tied the knot. And to celebrate, here is the original video of the proposal.

Watch it here on YouTube or download your choice of:
Windows Media

Come Back Monday for a Brilliant surprise

Thursday, March 23, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to break pattern this week but we are delaying the weekly column for a couple of days as we are bringing in the big video guns and we have not had time this week to pull it off. You heard it here first; next week, we will have a video clip on the blog, pulled from the excitables archive.

Click here for some fun in the meantime to view 'must love jaws', a spoof of jaws.

Have a great weekend. Please come back Monday!
The Excitables.

DJ Format: Worth blogging about

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Whilst up on Saturday night (post Indigo falling back asleepI think - I was still wired) I had the pleasure of seeing this video clip on Rage.

You will need an excellent broadband connection to see it online but if you are confident, go for it. It is excellent. Indigo is a big fan already and we have watched it many times.

View it here.

On a separate note, Indigo is starting to eat solid food. McDonalds is just a day or two away.

Sorry Dad!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Dad, I am so sorry for keeping you up the last few nights (I am sure these sleeplessness nights will be better than the sleepless nights I give you as a teenager). I promise I will try and sleep better, especially when Mummy fills my tummy with some solids. Thanks for working so hard for The Excitables. We love you. Love Indigo xoxo

Oh to be Safe'n Sound..........

by Cam, P and Indigo

There are two things a Mum loves; keeping their babies safe and competitions!!! So, the chance to win a Safe'n'Sound car seat was just too much for me. Here is Indigo with her 25 words or less entry. We will see if The Excitables will be successful in their bid for the fancy car seat, as you can imagine, we will be letting you all know about it if we win!!

What we are Excited about ! 17 March, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Here we go again - now with a new segment!

Firstly, what we are excited about:

> Our wedding anniversary next week! Four years on the 23rd. It will be 5 years next year - how is that for math? 50th anniversary is 'Gold', 25th anniversary is 'Silver', 5th must be 'A free CD with Sun Herald'

> Condoleeza Rice just popped up next door this afternoon to visit John. Lots of press and cameras and tonnes of police.

> Indigo is back and in her groove after her cough and slight illness. Smiling heaps.

> We are moving house soon. New location. New vibe.

> We are moving. Oh Lord, we have lots too move, but more importantly, what about the broadband connection that I have nurtured into a high speed wireless beast????

> Helicopters always buzzing by for no real reason other than to provide a TV "eye in the sky" traffic report where the only people who are interested are already in the car and can't get TV.

> Indigo has recovered from her illness but is still not sleeping thru the night.

NEW SECTION! The blog headlines that nearly made it this week.

Revealed: Dad of 5 month old gets to surf every day (but only on the net)

Indigo meets the Queen...at Mardi Gras recovery party

Indigo quotes Margaret Thatcher: 'Sleep is for wimps'

One Clean Girl!!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

As many of you know, Indigo was never a fan of the bath, she preferred having a shower with her Dad. The shower is still her preferred method
of washing, as she gets to enjoy the softness of her fathers voice with his rendition of "Singing in The Rain" as well as being introduced to the many friends of Winnie the Pooh (the many stickers now decorating our shower). However, on a few days Cam hasn't made it home in time and we have had to resort to trying a bath. Not just any bath, a lounge chair bath. She flaps around, kicking the walls, all from the safety of her little green bath lounge. Although the shower is by far the best relaxant, the bath lounge is a pretty good second choice!

Indi Finds Her Feet!!

by Cam, P and Indigo

After months of looking, Indigo has finally discovered that she has feet and loves them!! It is now a battle to get them out of her mouth. They are great entertainment. She even manages to clap her face with them. Cameron is now taking up Pilates to regain some flexibility because he hates Indigo having a talent he doesn't. They lie on the bed together, Cameron teaching Indigo the ways of the world and Indigo teaching Cameron how to get his feet in his mouth!

Shock Rejection!

by Cam, P and Indigo

We heard about the new series of Australian Princess last week and naturally applied. The suitably embossed rejection letter came today. We of course nominated our little princess but NO dice! Not old enough / not engaging enough in interviews / dinner conversation was poor, the list goes on.

The nerve of channel ten!

PS Happy 29th Birthday Uncle Tim in Tolouse!

She will always be our princess.
  Posted by Picasa

Correction - Bono is not a tool

Monday, March 13, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

OK. The excitables have to reverse our superficial media opinion on Bono. We wanted to think that he was was a tool and one of the exctiables still really does not like U2, but it turns out that the world is a heaps better place with Bono in it after watching enough rope last night.

We wrongly grouped in him to the meaninglgess celebrity circuses on social issues like those headed up by Tim Robbins etc. and he is way beyond it. There were plenty of insights last night into the real challenges that he faced and the work he has done so good on you, Bono.

about to get a keg

Saturday, March 11, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Well, the readers get what the readers want. Following some lively comments and some blatant behind the scene threats of wanting to share my next Coke, the now infamous photo of Ock is published. Here it is in all its glory.

And for the record, the photos you saw from Boomerang were only made possible by the skilled work of Angus and Pete aka Deathbutton the easiest working rock band in the world. Posted by Picasa

Fan of the Week!

by Cam, P and Indigo

Happy Birthday Matt Done, our fan of the week.

What has Matt done that earns this status? Well, he paid $17 for the right to read the blog on his portable media device on the bus on the way to work. Paying some through the nose data charges, Matt put his new phone to the test to prove that it was a go anywhere, do anything machine. In doing this, he has out done us all with his commitment to The Excitables. If only you could all send me $17, then we would be getting somewhere. Let's cut out the middleman from now on. You know where we live and cash is OK. Petrea, you can give Frequent Flyer points to our account.

It was Matt's Birthday celebration this Saturday and we ate some great duck but little else? 5 dishes / 9 people? We stopped at the Colonel's on the way home. Just joking, Matt, the morsels that I ate were delicious and Indi was really full, stuffed almost.

Thanks to you and Shelly for a great night. Posted by Picasa

What we are excited about

Thursday, March 09, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

That time again - weekly column. Here's what we are excited about this week:

> Indigo was able to follow my description of Pooh bear and friends as I pointed to them in the shower. As she was drying off she them commented that it is inefficient for the waste water from the shower not to be used again for other functions e.g. toilet flushing or gardening. A genius.

> Quiksilver Pro and the start of the WCT. Pancho Sullivan and Adriana De Souza!

> Ock got barrelled when we were at Boomerang.

> Uncle Tim's birthday is on the 14th of March. Happy Birthday Guest Editor.

What we are not excited about!

> Bono's rubber arm band brigade and Bono in general. I would not mind him if he would separate himself from those sunglasses just once!

> P got her wallet stolen! What sort of rat would unzip a handbag and steal a wallet in babyco!. A fat ugly rat with no rat teeth so they starve in the rat gutter.

> Indi has a cough that keeps her (and P) up at night.

> Come on Bono. Take off the glasses and get a real name. Since we are allowed to say it now, 'who the bloody hell are ya?'

> Our new national tourism ad campaign. If bloody is in our national tag line, can you say it to a teacher and not get in trouble? I want to go back to school if you can.

Wherever the bloody hell you are this weekend, we hope you are having fun.

TheExcitables On Tour

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Here you go: a pictorial wrap up of "TheExcitables on Tour" from two weekends ago at Boomerang beach on the mid north coast:

> Snapped! TheExcitables on the beach early on Saturday morning, caught with the paparrazi zoom lens.

> Snap! An Excitable belts the lip in front of the crowd on the balcony.

> Cool Dad! Another excitable approves with the snap from the balcony.

> Swap! An Excitable and a member of DeathButton swap waves before lunch on Saturday.

And here are two more photos.
Relaxing: here
Downtime: here

Happy Times With Melanie!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Well, Melanie has been known to say that Macquaire bank profits have helped pay for some of the outfits she has given Indi as gifts. So, we are now thinking that Melanie might be hinting at a trip to NY to see the Yankees play! Indi is stoked about this. We are off to NY soon and we were going to leave her behind!

What we do know for sure is that you can not find an outfit that Indi does not look good in. Even a hat that is five times too large still suits the little munchkin.

We had a nice lunch with the GC gang before releasing Indigo from Cassie's tight grip and going to see Indi's Grandpa in the afternoon, fresh off the plane from somewhere.

About to watch Entourage!!! Amanda, hope it was good!!!!

What we are excited about

Thursday, March 02, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

We are very excited about Tim posting on the blog. Thanks, Tim. You almost got sacked but you came through with the goods. Loved the "quip of the season"...

What else? Well, there will be a photo stream next week as soon as I get the photos back from the weekend. Some corkers there.

What are we excited about...
> Chocolate milkshakes. You never grow out of them. We are drowning in them, once a night.
> Watching indi grow up - she used to be so tiny (see pic - but she still dug me even back then!!!)
> my iPod is fixed.
> p went out to dinner all on her own on wednesday and I put indi to bed.
> great waves last weekend at boomerang and the snap that echoed around the world.
> you can't freeze vodka! i had no idea...

What we're not excited about...
> public funding of professional athletes who profit through lucrative sponsorships (big debate on the weekend away).
> optus and my phone breaking and my $10 a month insurance counting for nothing..."give me the simple life?"...whatever

Have a great weekend. There will be a photo dump next week. Be warned - there are some stunning shots...

Thanks again Tim for your trademark wit in your posts - we look forward to having you back again.

Also, we hope to get John Howard to read our blog soon so tell your friends to subscribe as they will want to say that they knew what was going on before this hits the mainstream.

Have a good weekend.
The Excitables. Posted by Picasa

Indigo, stop being so cute

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

I’m not sure about any other male readers out there but Indi has put me under a lot of pressure, quite possibly the most pressure I’ve ever experienced. Which when you think about it is pretty impressive for a four-month old. Her unprecedented levels of cuteness have led to a certain gal I know becoming rather vocal about wanting one herself. Interestingly you can’t rent babies in those special backpacks that they always seem to be hanging out in (Cam – potential business opportunity? EasyBaby? Internet rentals might be a bit tricky.) So far I’ve managed to avoid being the proud owner of a little carpet monkey but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.

I’ve actually seen her father in similar positions to this on a few occasions and in between taking photos and drawing on him it was discussed whether it would be wise to put a nappy on him to avoid any possible ‘accidents’ and further embarrassment.

Also, given the graffiti on the nappy it would seem that vandalism in Chatswood Chase has reached worrying new levels. Time to roll out the combat stroller.


Queen of the quiffs crowned

by Cam, P and Indigo

(NB: This article originally appeared in the February issue of The International Baby Monthly. Reproduced here by permission of author Percy McBuntington-Smythe III.)

There were no surprises recently when hot prospect Indigo sashayed into first place in the ‘no sideburns’ category of the North Sydney Baby Elvis look-alike competition, one of the key events on the Sydney social calendar.

Speaking through her agent and translator, who is also rumoured to be her mother (pictured), Indigo said she was ecstatic with the win, which came on the back of four months hard work.

“I’ve been working on this quiff for some time now and with my genealogy I’m obviously not prone to hirsuteness,” Indigo said. “It’s a real relief that all this hard work has paid off.”

Asked what was next for the child prodigy she said she would be relaxing with a night of sporadic sleeping, some good nursery rhymes and a fresh bottle of du lait chauffer.

“After that it’s back to work. My entourage and I are now looking ahead to the Central Coast regionals. We’re also going to be working on some new costume concepts with Baby Dior,” she gurgled, her attention briefly distracted when a nearby bird made a funny squawking noise that Indigo declared to be “the quip of the season!”, much to the crowds delight.

Indi, who has a dedicated following in France where she is known as le plus beau bébé, also took the opportunity to address rumours of a potential Stackhats reunion tour.

“Yes I can confirm I am in discussions with the band,” she said amidst hiccups. “We’re blue-skying the possibility of me crawling in as singer on a future North Sydney barbeque tour. But at this stage that’s all I can say - literally, I’ve used every word I know.”

Indi's father was said to be proud of her use of management speak.


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