Indigo, stop being so cute

I’m not sure about any other male readers out there but Indi has put me under a lot of pressure, quite possibly the most pressure I’ve ever experienced. Which when you think about it is pretty impressive for a four-month old. Her unprecedented levels of cuteness have led to a certain gal I know becoming rather vocal about wanting one herself. Interestingly you can’t rent babies in those special backpacks that they always seem to be hanging out in (Cam – potential business opportunity? EasyBaby? Internet rentals might be a bit tricky.) So far I’ve managed to avoid being the proud owner of a little carpet monkey but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.
I’ve actually seen her father in similar positions to this on a few occasions and in between taking photos and drawing on him it was discussed whether it would be wise to put a nappy on him to avoid any possible ‘accidents’ and further embarrassment.
Also, given the graffiti on the nappy it would seem that vandalism in Chatswood Chase has reached worrying new levels. Time to roll out the combat stroller.
12:24 AM
That little piece of human cuteness is the most divine creature I have EVER laid eyes on. Might get one of those myself! Love to you all.
2:09 AM
Nice to have you as a new member to The Excitables Georgie!!!