Thursday, July 26, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
Since we are following are the Theft of ideas this week with the virgin / flickr problem, we found this story on AdRants to be very interesting. Oh look. Yet another ad campaign has "borrowed" from a student spec campaign. In this case, it's a JWT Sydney-created campaign for Cannes 2007 Lion winner Science Diet dog food which, oops, looks a lot like this Advertising Education Foundation 2005 print winner (scroll down) Streamlight created by an Academy of Art University student. Coincidence? Maybe but shining a light out a dog's bottom isn't something your average creative conceptualizes every day. You decide. Student Original  Prestigious Award Winner from Sydney
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
From the New York Times - SAN FRANCISCO, July 25 — It was a good day for the Devil in San Francisco on Tuesday, as the Taxicab Commission voted to keep the Dark Lord’s favorite number — 666 — affixed to an allegedly cursed cab.
The vote, which came after an amused period of public comment and annoyed looks from the commissioners, extended the satanic reign of Taxi No. 666, which is driven by one Michael Byrne (pronounced burn).
Mr. Byrne, who did not appear at the hearing on Tuesday night and was not reachable for comment, had lobbied — out of superstition — to have his medallion number changed, and had found an ally in Jordanna Thigpen, deputy director of the Taxicab Commission.
In a memo distributed last week, Ms. Thigpen wrote that Mr. Byrne believed the number to be responsible for a series of calamities he had endured in a streak of bad luck that had led him to have his taxi blessed at a local church, to no apparent avail.
“This medallion holder would prefer not to speak about the specific problems,” Ms. Thigpen wrote, “but they are of great severity.”
Adding to the cab’s sinister mystique was the fact that Taxi No. 666 caught on fire on a Good Friday some years ago in a blaze that, as local legend has it, wrecked the car but left the offending medallion untouched.
So it was that the commission had been asked to deep six the number of the beast in favor of the less offensive 1307, a move that the commission president, Paul Gillespie, who is a cab driver himself, thought was only kind.
“This is a very simple thing we can do to make one person’s life a little easier,” Mr. Gillespie said, adding that he himself had driven Taxi No. 666 in the past. “People do bring a lot of bad energy in the cab, and if people want to talk about the number, then the driver has to talk about it.”
But others saw the debate as a waste of time and money, two things the Great Deceiver would no doubt have approved.
“If we don’t have 666, what’s next?” said Tom Stanghellini, 59, a longtime cabbie. “What about medallion 13? Or 1313?”
Commissioner Patricia Breslin echoed that.
“Where does it end?” Ms. Breslin said. “I lived at a residence numbered 666, and I did not go over to the dark side.”
Ms. Thigpen said she did not want to set a precedent, but said the number in question had become increasingly difficult for her office to assign. “No other number causes an administrative burden like this number,” she said on Wednesday. “And I’m sure with all this attention it’s going to get worse.”
In the end, the vote was 5 to 1 against changing the number. (The commission’s seventh member was curiously absent.) But Mr. Gillespie, who sighed deeply before casting the only dissenting vote, said he doubted this would be the last time the commission would have to take up the issue.
“This guy,” he said, “still has this problem.”
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Monday, July 23, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
For years corporations have been moaning about people downloading their content without paying for it. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Updated: VIRGIN Mobile has taken down advertisement photographs on its online site after the company's failure to seek permission from the models or photographers they used in their latest campaign sparked outrage.
On Monday, The Australian reported how people all over the world were shocked to discover their faces were the centrepiece of Virgin Mobile's outdoor advertising and online campaign.
The images on the campaign website yesterday had been replaced by photographs that did not show the faces of the subjects.
Virgin Mobile took personal photographs from the Yahoo-owned Flickr website without paying, as permissable under a licensing agreement with non-profit US-based copyright body Creative Commons, and used them for its "Are You With Us Or What?" campaign.
Original VIRGIN Mobile has been accused of breaching people's "moral rights" after it took images from a popular photo-sharing website without asking permission and used them in a national advertising campaign.
People around the world who posted their photos on the Yahoo-owned Flickr website have objected to their images being used in hundreds of Australian billboard ads, accompanied by provocative captions.
The campaign - Are You With Us Or What? - features images from the website branded with Virgin Mobile's own slogans.
They include: Work Friends Are Just That; If You Enjoy Your Company Too Much You'll Go Blind; and Strangers Are Just Serial Killers You Haven't Met Yet.
Alison Chang, 15, had no idea that when she posed for a photograph at a fundraiser in the US, her face would become famous across Australia, under the slogan Dump Your Pen Friend. She told The Australian yesterday: "It is definitely insulting to myself. They could have thought of something nicer to say." She and her family are now considering legal action.
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Sunday, July 22, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Thursday, July 19, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
 In the red corner, coming in at 2400 Watts, a brand new Ceramic Heater at $300 and only two weeks old. vs. In the blue corner, Sydney, 3 degrees at night, poorly insulated beach shack. Winner - Sydney. This new heater simply buckled under the pressure, malfunctioned and died. It has had to be returned to the store whilst Sydney and its Southerly Winds quietly chuckle to themselves. Headline of course has been borrowed from The Clash. To enjoy the original song this Friday, click play below.
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Monday, July 16, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Sunday, July 15, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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Friday, July 13, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Thursday, July 12, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
I managed to score three great photos and I wasn't even trying, the surf was that good.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Monday, July 09, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
At our wedding we had our good friend Bill Jackson perform a song or two. This week Bill has been profiled on a US website sonicbirds . Look for this image to see his film clip if you are keen for some good music.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Sunday, July 08, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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Saturday, July 07, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Thursday, July 05, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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