Fathering At It's Finest!!!!

We had a big weekend with great nights out both Friday (Simon's Surprise Birthday dinner) and Saturday (Nath's finely planned 30th birthday party), we had a lot of fun at both but find it hard to catch up on the sleep we lose by staying out late. On Sunday while I was cleaning the bathroom (well, that is what i told Cam I was doing, I think I was probably eating, I do that a lot lately) Cam was on Indi duty. It was awfully quiet so I went to see what they were up to. Here is the photo evidence of Cam's fine fathering skills!!!! (Just joking, he is an awesome Dad.) For those who don't know, that white thing Indi is watching is our hand held DVD player.
I had often wondered where Indi got her sleeping style from and clearly it is all her father.

4:11 PM
thats beyond cute.
nice photo of indigo aswell.