...this is not Big Brother...so get that camera out of here
Apparently we'll be hearing from her lawyers - one morning we intruded too far into her privacy and exceeded the limits of our contract.
This entry was posted by Cam, P and Indigo, on
Saturday, January 20, 2007.
You can leave your response.

1:33 PM
That is the sort of look you would get from me if you woke me up before 10am on a weekend - especially if you have a camera in hand!
12:13 AM
Note to Dayne - early morning wake ups are not cool with Melanie.
Add this to the list of:
> Don't take her anywhere with more than 4 stairs, she has had enough falls, even on flat ground.
> Do not say a bad thing about Cats. Period.
> If it makes you dirty she doesn't want to do it, nothing lower than 4 stars.
> If it doesn't serve Chicken Parmigana, it isn't a restaurant.
> If you can't read 4 books a week, you don't have her respect.
1:44 PM
and you are trying to encourage comments on the blog.....
2:40 PM
That's right, we love comments on our blog and that is why I am going to add another note to Dayne.
Other things you should know (and probably already do) about Melanie:
> She is incredibly generous. She feels the pressure of choosing a gift but always goes with a winner.
> She doesn't really like writing on cards but that doesn't mean she isn't thinking all those soft mushy things.
> She has an amazing wit all of her own.
> She will support you in whatever you are doing, even if she thinks it's ridiculous!
So keep leaving comments on the blog....
3:03 PM
Ok I am friends with the excitables again!
5:39 PM
So, it sounds like you two had alot to discuss the other day! Am I to take it that -
> She doesn't respect me (who has time to read 1 book a week, let alone 4!)
> She thinks my current project is ridiculous?!
2:12 PM
Melanie's book consumption dwarfs mine and I work in publishing!
Dayne - speaking of the shop, I mentioned to Melanie that I am going to come over and check it out. Came past the other day and it was closed. I'll grab some photos and give it the big up on the blog.