Must See Photos!

Here is a family slide show.
And, here is a mini slide show of some of the photos from the photo shoot for the upcoming book that we were in the Maldives to shoot, featuring our two pro surfers and the "beginner" character from the book, a.k.a. one of the Excitables.
7:48 PM
Hello there, it has been ages since I tuned in and what a lot to catch up on. How good does your holiday seem. I told Kevin I married the wrong bloke!!!
I hope Indi's party went off well, what a shame it rained. We are so used to that here. Ithas been raining for weeks. The horses are fine, we now have a new puppy as well. Very cute but very annoying. Like having a baby again, complete timewasters. I sit for hours playing with him.
Kevin is busy building up his hot rods, mmmmmm. Complete money wasters!! We could have gone to the Maldives!!!!!
Love Kaye xx
6:23 PM
Hey Guys,
Just dropped in to check out what you been up to. Photos from your Maldives holiday are awesome. Glad to see the three of you looking so happy and well.
Cam, you're pulling a couple of sweet turns there buddy. So I gather you were one of the pro's in the shoot. Who was the other one and who was the beginner? :)
Indy must have the cutest eyelashes of any baby in the world. Have you entered her in any baby photo contests? P, your looking gorgeous as ever.
Oh stop it with the compliments already!! Ha ha. Guess I'm just in a good mood so happy to spread the love!! Ha ha.
Devon might be coming back to Oz soon. I'll keep you posted. Are you guys coming up this way for christmas? I think I'll be staying on the Goldy. Hope to catch up with you if you are.
Take care of yourselves,