When P and Indi travel, the costs are less about finances and more about sleep. We now know Indi loves her bedroom. She will cause a lot of grief when she is out of her room and we suffer. In this case, P has been through a few days of suffering. But, when the sun shines and even with a few hours of sleep under their belt, the both find time for plenty of smiles.
This entry was posted by Cam, P and Indigo, on
Sunday, September 17, 2006.
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11:57 PM
Hey team, ridiculously cute photos as always.
Sorry you guys missed last weekend, a very chilled and relaxing time had by all.
Am especially sorry as I can no longer make my favourite pseudo nieces first birthday due to some pressing business in Boomerang Beach.
I hope the birthday girl has too many babycino's and stays up all night partying.
love you loads (not you Cam, your bald and ugly)
12:33 AM
Very cute photo, as always. She is looking more and more like you Penny every day. Obviously she will be very beautiful!!!! I am getting itchy feet for an Aussie break so you may see me soon. Definately before Xmas anyway. I NEED to shop.
Love Kaye xx
5:45 PM
Hi there excitables and fellow readers. This is my first entrance on the site and I just want to tell you all how much Chantal and I can relate to this title. Lucky for P and Cam that Indi loves her room - not mum and dads room as does her cousin!!!
what we are excited about: georgia peeing on dad and the leather couch....Tals is stoked!!!