Sunday, September 17, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

When P and Indi travel, the costs are less about finances and more about sleep. We now know Indi loves her bedroom. She will cause a lot of grief when she is out of her room and we suffer. In this case, P has been through a few days of suffering. But, when the sun shines and even with a few hours of sleep under their belt, the both find time for plenty of smiles.

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Sunday, September 10, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Indi had a fantastic weekend with Aunty Catherine and Nanna and Papa Craig (Alans name as a Grandparent is still a little undecided with Indigo having the final say, when she can speak!) After a little crying at the airport (ok, maybe a bit more than a little, Cams Dad had to drive so I could sit in the back and placate the little pidgeon) Indigo came around to adoring her Grandparents. This is largely due to the fact that her little ears heard mention of a PONY!! (Apparently there is a weight restriction on the Pony which means I won't be able to live out a childhood dream and ride the thing. One that would take me is apparently called a horse, not nearly as much fun! Sorry Melanie's Mum)
Indi got an early birthday present from her Grandparents. We went and test drove the trikes in the shop and there was a clear winner, the pink trike with the basket and streamers!!! Once Papa Craig and Aunty Catherine passed the IQ test that was the assembly of the thing, Indi loved going up and down the hall (due to the horrible rain we had all weekend, it had to be an indoors event!) Indi's Mum is hoping that this new toy will mean that Indi's Dad no longer sees the need to put Indi in the Baby Bjorn and take her skateboarding.
There was another first on Sunday. We went out to breakfast for Papa Craig's birthday and Indi sat up in her highchair, politely asked the waiter for a Babycino, with a side of marshmallow. Of course her Dad was very proud of her, now he always has someone to go and have one of his many coffees with, let's just hope Indi doesn't want to add the 3 sugars that her Dad has.

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Monday, September 04, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Indigo and I had a great weekend in Townsville. Georgia Marine is beautiful, Indi loved her as soon as they meet. We had to keep a close eye on Indi at all times because she loved patting Georgia's head and is getting a bit rough. We are glad to be home to Dad, Indi gets to pat his head as much as she likes.

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