Hosptial Tour of Australia!!

The Excitables have once again come home from a holiday with a broken bone. Indigo is well and truly on the move and scaled the pillow wall on the bed and decided to "rocket girl" to the floor all alone. Cam spotted her mid air and dove to get her. With his undeniable strength and force, pushed off the floor and broke a bone in his foot. So we spent the eve of Josh and Chantal's wedding in Cairns Accident and Emergency, and of course had a camera handy to catch the moment. This is Indi and Cam waiting to see the doctor watching Wiggles on the ipod.
10:36 PM
How fat is that man? What a porker. Parenthood is really getting to him.
12:41 AM
I can't believe you have wiggles on the ipod!
4:38 PM
you need to drink more milk dude. who snaps bones pushing off the floor?!
respect for wiggles on the ipod though.
10:20 PM
Ouch! Hope your foot is okay Cam! Love that you have Wiggles on the iPod. Have fun in Cairns Kids.