What we are Excited About - Friday 07 April

> We love a good romantic comedy. As P was recovering from her illness last week (this column went live last thursday night and P came down with a rotten virus during the night and was sick for two days), we fed her some McDonalds for strength (her first meal in 48 hours) and watched The Wedding Singer.
We had a great time - we forgot how good that movie is.
So, we are excited about romantic comedies for their healing power.
Here are our top 5 romantic comedies.
1. 50 First Dates
long way down to....
2. The wedding singer
3. Elf
4. The Perfect Catch
5. Singin' in the Rain
For anyone paying attention, you will notice that a common theme is Drew Barrymore. True, she is pretty much type cast as a romantic comedy lead, but it is a worthy type cast. We only figured out last week that we actually like her.
50 First Dates is our clear favourite - it has everything you need in a romantic comedy. They meet, fall in love via some funny circumstances, and end up together, and it has one major catch in her amnesia and the directors don't cure her at the end. Brilliant.
And just for anyone who thought I was turning soft, I'll have you know that we are working on a heavy metal surf movie at the moment and The Mark of Cain just gave us permission to use their music, so I am not 100% house trained yet.
> Going to Byron. Hello Whites Beach.
> Moving away from Kirribilli and the Prime Minister. He is always coming round to borrow sugar and flour (which is really just a reason for a chat).
> Indigo rolling on to, and off, her tummy. She is better on, than off, but she is learning.
What we are not excited about
> Daylight Savings Ending. We kind of liked saving daylight and don't want to start spending it again.
> Harley Davidson Trike tours in our street - they start at 8am on Saturday.
> Mechanics - can we actually trust their invoices?
Have a good weekend. The Excitables
7:15 AM
Cam, there are some things a man should keep to himself, such as his appreciation for romantic comedies. At least you didn't refer to them as rom-coms.