So much excitement in the Excitables household today, we actually won the
Safe 'n Sound car seat!! Indigo and I just got the call straight from the Safe 'n Sound head office! Apparently Indigo is now on their office pinboard and we were told she is "very cute." I wonder if this compares with my spot of competition modelling, when I was about 6 I won a competition at Mermaid Beach McDonalds, not sure what I won, but my photo was on the pinboard in the restaurant for a while. My Dad told me I won because I was the girl who most looked like a hamburger!
This entry was posted by Cam, P and Indigo, on
Sunday, April 09, 2006.
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9:26 PM
This is much better than being the Bonds poster child!
9:29 PM
that is excellent news. a wise choice safe'n'sound.
i won something when i was a kid. it was the "Me and my pet competition" on saturday morning tv on NBN with big dog. i was about 8. I sent in a photo of me and my pet. he was a cat called "c4". get it. C for Cat. We won the monthly prize which was an excelpet cat collar and flea treatment - and went into the draw for the yearly major prize.
When it came time for the yearly award, we got a letter in the mail and were informed that I would have to go into the NBN studios, with my cat, C4, and be in the studio live on TV with all the other monthly winners to see who won the big award.
I cried and told Dad that I didnt want to be on television with the other people. So he rang up and said that I was sick.
We watched the show, and I was the only person not there. They spun the wheel (each photo was on a pluck a duck style wheel) and.... I won.
They sent us 1 years supply of cat food and accessories. It filled up half the laundry and Mum had to put the ironing board on the back verandah for a few months.
C4 got sick of the food pretty quickly. Back then dry food wasnt that advanced so while it said on the pack there were nice ingredients like chicken, vegetable & fish, they were just all little identical cat biscuit star things.
He didnt mind the dried bait fish.
I look forward to seeing the new car seat indie!
9:33 PM
i just realised there are variations on "indi", "indie", "indy" appearing. has.... indi.... decided what she wants to be called yet in the event we are using a nickname? or should it be indigo....?
9:35 PM
Huge congrats Indi and P, that is very exciting news! Very proud! Now we have to start seriously talking about me managing Indi's modelling/acting career!
Good to hear that you are feeling better P :)
Happy Easter...
Love heaps
9:43 PM
After many discussions between the Excitables, it was decided that it is Indi.
3:42 PM
Top Effort chics....They couldn't have picked a better, more deserving winner!!!
3:17 AM
She certainly is very, very, cute. How could those judges resist! We hope P enjoyed her birthday in Byron.