Tuesday, September 18, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo

Indigo is loving being a big sister. She is showing Miller all the great things on her old play mat. The lion was always her favourite!

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Monday, September 17, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo

On Mondays Indigo goes and plays with her friends at daycare so Miller and I get an alone day. Yesterday Miller got all dressed up (no bonds wondersuit) for a day of shopping. His Dad and Grandpa will be happy to know that he is not a shopper. My little man who usually sleeps most of the day decided he wanted out of the shops!

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by Cam, P and Indigo

Our shy little Indigo Summer is getting more and more sociable and particularly likes having people dine with her at her Pooh table. Today she was lucky enough to have Ivy Winter join her for a vegemite sandwich. Yep, another season middle name! If Ivy ever gets a brother we are hoping for West, South or North as the middle name! Thanks for visiting Ivy!

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by Cam, P and Indigo

Miller 10 weeks...........................................Indigo 13 weeks
We have very few unisex outfits that were worn by Indigo, and the couple that we have Miller has just about grown out of...the same outfits Indigo was wearing at 6 months.

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