Monday, May 21, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo

After a lovely weekend in Brisbane without Cam or Indigo, it was nice to be home and hanging out with my gang. Cam went off to work and Indi and I went and checked out the pelican and fisherman on our wharf. Indigo is turning into a typical girl, she chooses her own hat and shoes. She doesn't really mind what is in between. This purple hat has turned into a much loved piece and Indigo won't go out and play without it. I have taught her well on the slip, slop, slap front (still working on her father in this department).
Cam and Indigo both seemed to survive their weekend alone. They are a tight little couple, incredibly cute to watch. Indigo spent all day today looking for him and insisted on "more Dadda." She really hasn't said more than a word at a time so I loved that this was her first combo.
It was a fantastic weekend with Georgie in Brisbane. We spent a lot of time comparing bellys (mine is much bigger than Georgie's even though she is a week ahead of me!) Thanks Georgie and Sam for taking such good care of me.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007 by Cam, P and Indigo
From this....

to this...

hey mum, thanks for helping me settle in, love indi.
Our excellent Mother's day high tech google powered slide show available with captions

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