Tuesday, November 28, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Indigo is definitely developing some new skills. She is yet to take her first step but she is getting very good at standing. I have also been trying to get her to feed herself. This is done on days when we aren't in a rush to get anywhere. As you can see in the photos more yogurt is spread around than what goes in her mouth...and yes that is a freddo frog wrapper stuck to the side of her head. But the greatest skill of all and the one that bought the most pride to her father was when we discovered she can hold the video ipod all by herself.....I am more relieved than proud, my arm gets very sore holding it up for her.....

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by Cam, P and Indigo

It has definitely been too long since we have last blogged. It has been an incredibly busy month! We are yet to even send out thank you notes for all of Indigo's amazing birthday presents....thank you!!!! (This won't be the last that you hear of this!!)
We started November with the amazing wedding of Georgie Matthew (the first picture of the 3 of us looking civilized!) It was beautiful....Georgie had a certain glow that not only comes with being a bride but being a Mum to be (before the nausea and fatigue of the first trimester sets in). This could be what the Excitables refer to as P's last supper for a while!!! Well the last one with beverages!!
Cam then came back to Sydney to work and we ladies of leisure went and stayed at "The Orchid" (which incidentally doesn't have any fruit trees any more) with Cams Mum and Dad. I had told them the aim of the game is to get Indigo to put on weight, not me.....I was feed amazing meals, none of which came out of a cereal box!! We had a couple of days of swimmable weather, thankfully Indi had her new fancy wetsuit (big-up to Pete and Lara) so she thought the water was the perfect temperature (second Photo).
Cam came back and we had a little more time in Byron before heading back to the Gold Coast for the fantastic Wolff-Ravenswood nuptials.....what a day!!! Indigo was not as impressed with the wedding as we were, she had skipped her afternoon nap(photo 3)....Thankfully the trusty grandparents were just around the corner and came and got her so that Cam and I could enjoy the rest of the night (photo 4, Indi on the swings waiting to get picked up). Highlight of the night was Conor singing during the speaches (he is their 3 year old son). We have never heard such a unique rendition of ba ba black sheep.
So, that was the week on the Gold Coast/Byron.....this week we are looking forward to the weekend on Stockton beach....we will keep you posted....

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