Sunday, July 23, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Indigo is going against the growing trend of The Excitables, due to her illness she has not put on any weight. She completely lost her appetite and we have been encouraging eating any way we can.
She is wanting to do more and more alone and this includes eating. So to get her to eat I have let her do as much as possible by herself. Much to her Father's disgust, she is a very messy eater.

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by Cam, P and Indigo

As you may have noticed we have been laying low for a little while. That is because we are exhausted!! Indigo has been sick and waking every hour and a half during the night. She has needed a lot of TLC and there hasn't been a spare moment for blogging. Every time she sleeps, I sleep!! But, we have turned the corner after a few days of antibiotics she is getting back to her lovely, lively self, thank goodness!!

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Thursday, July 06, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

Although we have applied excessive amounts of peer pressure to our friends, no-one is succumbing to the requests to join the baby club. It seems many have instead opted for the pet option. Melanie nad Dayne have their cute little fuzz ball kitten Dios and Gus and Petrea ventured into dog ownersip with the amazingly little, placid pug Harrold. So rather than feeling left out of the "pet" club we decided Indigo could work as a 2-in-1 and turned her into a kitten. A pink, fluffy kitten!!!
And, a massive CONGRATULATIONS to Natasha (P's school friend from Singapore, we have known each other since we were 14, lives in England) and Aaron on their engagement. Looks like there will be 2 more people to "encourage" into parenthood!

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