Tuesday, February 28, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
Thanks to Shelly for this great inedible donut. I have had a full range of emotions about the donut. Happy - I heard P was bringing a donut home. Sad - I got home and it was a toy. Happy - Indi likes it.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
Here she is, at only 4 months old and conquerinng books by the dozen. Our little Indigo is a genius and I am allowed to be bias and think that. Commenting on Don Quixote recently she said that the translation from the original Spanish was, 'stiff, dry--"wooden" in a word'. Amazing...
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Thursday, February 23, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
Our weekly excitables column continues. We are excited about: > Going away for the weekend. Still a cool thing to do, even if it makes you more tired on Monday morning than you could ever imagine. > We are still loving entourage - just keeps getting better. > Indigo sleeping through the night. excellent work little one - keep it up. > Penelope going for her first run with Indigo. It is only five months since splitting her ankle into pieces on white's beach and getting choppered out. Remembered below. Congratulations Nelly.  We are not excited about:> Aerial skiing at the Winter Olympics. > The Courier Mail debate on the bali 9. No right answer there. > Cameron's iPod breaking. That makes two of us, Apple! Mine is only two months old, just a little baby. Have a great weekend. Some excellent new posts coming next week.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo

There is one young lady in our family with some attitude. She does not take lightly to being asked to move over on the couch as you can see here. Silly me for even asking... For anyone who missed, our friend ock has got this birthday blog. I think he liked it.
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Sunday, February 19, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
  Before you ask, no, the baby in the tent is not a cheap doll from K-Mart, as much as it may look like it. It wouldn't be a weekend without a trip to Cam's favourite beach, Curl Curl. After watching her Dad carve up the 'wave waves', we walked to the Curl Curl rock 'pool pool' (What is it with Curl Curl?) Indi floated about for a while before returning to base camp where she enjoyed the luxurious bedding her Dad had arranged. My bed was not so nice (Cam - go back to bed making school). What an awesome place is our Curly. Penguins, crabs, rabbits and ice creams. Yes, we had to have an ice cream - that's just what going to the beach is all about. I'm over it if the ice cream bit stops. Note to Cam: Always keep enough change for an ice cream.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
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Friday, February 17, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
 We are testing the idea of a guest editor every now and then to keep some variety. Who better than an excellent journalist to take on the role. Tim will be the guest editor for a week. Take it away Tim...
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by Cam, P and Indigo
Congratulations Potsy! You are the winner of today's free CD from the SMH for your excellent comment about how to get out of a police fine (see post about Britney Spears here). Not to take anything away from you, but you were the only person to comment so you were a shoe in for the excellent prize! Thanks for your comments.
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Thursday, February 16, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
 Welcome to our new weekly column on what we are excited about. We are The Excitables after all, so here is a taste of what gets us going each week. 1. Has to be Entourage. This is our new favourite TV program and the first thing worth watching that is exlusive to foxtel. Considering the three years we have had cable TV and at $90 per month, it means that the ten episodes we have enjoyed have actually cost over $360 each to get the privelege to view this series. Watch out for it if you have cable. Won't be coming to free to air as there is too much swearing. 2. Gmail chat. Hello to our gmail chat friends. 3. Shelter. Thanks to Gus. 4. An upcoming trip to one of P's favourite locations with our little family.  5. Indigo's first drink bottle with its own little handles that she can hold. (Thanks Aunty Mouse!!)
6. The Chaser's War on Everything. They erect a tollgate for the Macquarie bank shareholders at their Annual General Meeting. excellent. 7. The Ricky Gervais podcasts. P is a big, big fan. 8. Indigo's play mat. She loves it and can grab things now. What we are not excited about:>The winter olympics. The olympics (winter / summer) are now on every two years for the networks to rant on about and try and get us excited in some sports, like discus, that were boring at school. We all quit Little Athletics remember Channel 7? All the networks need now is a Fall and Spring Olympics and they could throw one at us every year. > The commonwealth games. same as above, but then slash the budgets, the talent pool, the audience. As it is the only place where Australians win lots of medals we pretend it is as important as the Olympics. Ask an American if they have ever heard of the Commonwealth games...what? > Tony Abbott. Who is he to judge anyone's decision on pregnancy? We didn't judge him when he supposedly misplaced his pregnant girlfiend, then forgot about her and his new son for twenty years, failed to pay child support, and married someone else. > Penelope' iPod breaking. It is 12 months old. > Fever Fits - why are there so many things that can go wrong with kids? Indi has a little temperature and now we are bracing ourselves for everything that might go wrong, including fever fits. Have a great weekend and come back to The Excitables next week for plenty of new photos and tales. We should have a great story soon on exciting Court Battle.
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Monday, February 13, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
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Sunday, February 12, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
 Making sure that he sets a good example on how to feature correctly in a photo, Pete shows Indigo the importance of looking at the camera at all times. Aware that it is smile time, she has her pretty smile on but points it the wrong way. Hats off to Pete for showing patience and leading by example! What might have been distracting her? Was it her dad's impeccable sense of comic timing and fine singing voice? Was it a picture of The Stackhats in full flight? Was it the story of the big guy and the Sombrero stand at the BDO? None of the above. It was the intriguingl tale of Ben's mysterious new sms admirer.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
  Saturday was a big day!! Indigo is growing up and no longer wants to lie in the basinet, she wants to sit up!! THe Bugaboo was up for it's major test, the basinet was removed and the seat put in. It was a tense time, was Indigo going to like the change to her pram??? Well, I think the photo tells it all, SHE LOVED IT!! Little Miss Curious can now check out what is happening, and when she is ready for a sleep make the call for the seat to be reclined for a comfortable snooze!! Ahh, the Bugaboo, worth every cent!!
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by Cam, P and Indigo
 After the success of the first meeting, Indigo and Barnaby decided to have a second play date. While others enjoyed delicious, yet slow and sometimes forgotten coffees, Indigo and Barnaby checked each other out. The date started well, with smiles and giggles, but these soon turned to serious faces and calls for the good-stuff, ummmmm milk!!! Once their little bellies were full, they returned for some more time checking each other out before heading to their individual chauffeur driven cars for a well deserved nap!!
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by Cam, P and Indigo
    Now that Indigo can hold her own head-up and actually focus her eyes to long distances, she enjoyed the show delivered at Curl Curl on Saturday. Sitting in her "Grammy" (P's Mum) sponsered sunshelter, she clapped her feet, and giggled as her Dad "carved" the waves of Curl Curl. Although Indigo enjoyed her day at Curl Curl, she is still not convinced that this is the best move for The Excitables!!
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Thursday, February 09, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
 One of our loyal readers has asked The Excitables to comment about the fallout from the Britney car incident and how it affects our Indigo. Well, since Britney has made it OK, it might be a new trend. Sure she is sorry, but I am sure she wants to do it again. So for us, we will be staying close to this new whacky trend and if others catch on to this new celebrity craze, we're in too. Being mere mortals we won't be able to blame the vicious paparrazi as the reason for the re-organisation of the seating so we are willing to take suggestions to help us get out of our first ticket if the police and child protective services were to rightfully pull us over. The best suggestion on how to get out of a potential ticket for reckless endangerment wins a copy of the next free CD that comes with Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald i.e. next time they put one out, I'll buy the paper, get the very very desirable Free CD, and send it to the winner. In true blog spirit, someone has listed the original Britney driving pictures here if you want to see them.
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
 Don't let the smile fool you, it's 5am!!!! I have been this happy at 5am when I get to go on a plane somewhere fun and I have seen her father this happy when the waves can be described as "corkers!!" But Indi isn't going anywhere, she is just happy to be up!!
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by Cam, P and Indigo
 Of course every girl needs the appropriate outfit for every occasion and thanks to Kez, Indi had just the outfit for playing on the Gold Coast. Of course a little girl needs to wear her favourite outfit more than once and Indi told me that she would really like to wear it in Hawaii!!! Dad, you don't want to disappoint your daughter do you?????
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by Cam, P and Indigo
 Lots of cows to meet, so little time. As I interrupt her for a happy snap, I get a glare from the little boss that she has now lost count. Luckily mum kept her cool for me and they got back to business pretty quickly.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
 On Sunday we played dodge the tongue at my parent's farm. Pretty amazing experience for a three month old. The cow's head is about the same size as her whole body. Even now, I would not trust anything that had a head as big as me. She did well to stay calm.
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Monday, February 06, 2006 by Cam, P and Indigo
 We asked for a king and they gave us two queen beds, but we did get a view of the Gold Coast surf. Indi did not understand what the fuss was about. Felt fine to her..
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by Cam, P and Indigo
Five days in to our trip and the girls still could not get enough of the pool.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
 Everyone in this family can't wait for Jen's tell all book.
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by Cam, P and Indigo
Someone in this photo is trying to look cool in the limo and it is not the person in yellow or the person in black shorts. hilarious...
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by Cam, P and Indigo
 On the way to the gold coast we had the misfortune of flying jetstar. At least Indi got better value for her seat than Magda Szubanski would if she bothered to fly. I wondered if she ever made it to Proserpine. We were charged for extra baggage which was not funny as we tried to move most of our house in three bags and a surfboard bag. P told the attendant that it hurt to pay for my surfboard and she cut us 7kg break, but we were still another 8kg over. Indi was cool the whole way.
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