Friday, January 24, 2014 by Cam, P and Indigo
You can't beat lego for tapping into the creative spirit and away from screens. Miller does a lot of lego builds but we never capture or save them. We're going to keep capturing each new build and publish it on the public record. And, yes, that is a tyre from one of his lego cars in the middle.
Bazooka Man

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Saturday, January 18, 2014 by Cam, P and Indigo
As said recently by Alvin and the Chipmunks in the Squekwal, we're back.
We're going old school and hitting the internets with our blog powered by blogger. It's been five years and this blog caught a terrible case of hiatus.
To kick of proceedings, here's some freeze frames from a recent trip to the farm to see a cow get an ear tag as part of the national livestock identification system.
1. Poor unsuspecting cow
2. Straight into the ear with some medieval device
3. Indi and Miller start to figure out what is actually happening
4. And now they think the cow is going to die
5. Relief that the cow is ok
6. Bill Murray from Ghostbusters voice...'and the cow is still standing'

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Sunday, September 28, 2008 by Cam, P and Indigo

This was Miller's first time "helping" me make a cake! He loved it. It took a complete outfit change at the end. He managed to get the cake mix all over himself, Indigo, me and the kitchen!

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by Cam, P and Indigo

As Indigo and Miller get older there differences are standing out more and more. This photo demonstrates Indigo's clean eating and Miller's messy eating. Miller did find every piece of popcorn and eat it and when he was done with his, he roughed his way in on Indi's bowl.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008 by Cam, P and Indigo

Our 2 children could not be more opposite. I am not sure Indi has ever touched a dog and the first opportunity that Miller had he was all over the dogs in Dubai. His favourite part was their eyes. The dogs were the most placid things ever, they wouldn't even move when he tried.
And yes, Miller is starting a new fashion with the no shirt, bib look.

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by Cam, P and Indigo

Indigo had an excellent time with her Uncle Jack and Aunty Sam in Dubai. She would run around like crazy with Uncle Jack and get totally worn out, then rest and be gentle with Aunty Sam.

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by Cam, P and Indigo

So going to the Middle East you don't really think about packing your winter woolies, but we needed them! We spent a morning at Ski Dubai which is in the middle of a shopping center and absolutely freezing. A quick stop at the shops by Grandma and Grandpa and Indigo was decked out in warm gear, (yes it was an issue that the gloves were green and not Pink, i think it is the first purchase for Indigo by Grandpa that wasn't pink!) Indigo had a great time in the snow park while I skied with Jack and Sam.

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by Cam, P and Indigo

Well, we survived all the flights to Dubai. Both kids were awesome (most of the time). They both slept a lot, Miller was wedged into the bassinet. We were lucky enough to be flown home by my Dad who gave Indigo her own message over the "loud telephone" (as Indi called it). We had the best in air service, we felt like celebrities. First class economy.

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